Cluny Senior Secondary School – Changanacherry


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Principal Desk

God bless you all..(14-07-2013)

Each day of the year brings in; fresh ambiance new promises latest inventions and above all great optimism to life. Education unfolds creativity and induces inspiration in the young. In this hillside of Cherukara, Changanacherry we engage in building character and competence in our students. Knowing that every child is a unique gift of God, to be brought up with affection and understanding we take it our privilege to be at the service of our society by being educators. Its our task to count apples in an apple seed rather than count the number of fruits on an apple tree. True education should give hope to those who are willing to rise up to meet challenges and go forward to be creative and innovative. So let us say to ourselves at every dawn, today is going to be a great day and I will work till dusk with optimism, courage and great enthusiasm. May God bless us all.

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