Cluny Senior Secondary School


1.  True to the vision of BI. Anne Marie Javouhey, our foundress, Cluny School aims atinculcating a sound human formation, for the total development of the whole person,making the student a well-integrated person, spiritually, socially, intellectually, morallyand culturally, well equipped and ready to collaborate with others in the building up of ajust world social order.

2. SPIRITUAL: Cluny School respects the freedom and personal conscience of each one, creating a climate of serenity and happiness in the school.

To promote in all students a rootedness in their faith and appreciation of other religionsthe Cluny School provides facilities for campus relationships, ongoing reflection, moraland religious instruction, meaningful celebration of feasts, personal/Community prayer,retreats and seminars.

Every Cluny student thus learns to develop a deep relationship with God in prayer, whichenables him/her to search for, find and accept God’s Will in all aspects of him/ her lifewhich will enable one to be an authentic personality in the years ahead.

3. SOCIAL: Bl. Anne Marie the foundress of St. Joseph of Cluny the first woman missionary,succeeded in liberating the African slaves, thus giving them the dignity and making themrealise their human rights.

Deeply convinced of the common Fatherhood of God and the bond of fellowship amonghuman beings, a Cluny student will be formed so as to learn to accept his/her ownuniqueness and that of others as persons with equal dignity.

She/he will have a special concern for the dispossessed and marginalized in society.She/he will be made aware of social unjust realities by study and exposure. Throughproper leadership skills (see, judge act) she/he will be trained to reflect on and analysethese unjust realities, which are against the will of God and the dignity of human persons.She/he becomes motivated to act as an agent of social change, a liberator of social evilsnow, and more so as an adult member of society.

The Cluny student is initiated to promote the values of love, peace, respect for life justiceand freedom in society.

Being conscious of the need for leaders to transform society, the Cluny School promotesleadership through various youth movements and co-curricular activities.

4.INTELLECTUAL : The Cluny School helps the students to strive for academic excellence,using all the available means in the school, in a spirit of acquiring and applying knowledgeand of collaboration rather than competition; skills to evaluate and criticize objectivelyand constructively and have the capacity and concern to continue her own formation

5.MORAL: Growth in value – orientation. Value transmission is an integral part ofeducation. The Cluny School helps the students to imbibe the human and Christian valueslike simplicity, dignity of labour, participation, solidarity and brotherhood, tolerance andforgiveness, generosity and honesty and is committed uncompromisingly to these values.

The school provides opportunities for self-expression and helps to build up a healthy self-esteem.

By the education of moral conscience, the students are helped to make right judgementsin their life.

The School also provides opportunities for the students to have a clear idea of how theyare to realise sexual dimension in their lives so as to develop a balanced personality; havea deep respect for life; a better understanding of the equality and complementarity ofsexes; discern the different ways in which sexuality if commercially exploited. Thisculminates in preparing him/her for a happy family life and responsible parenthood.

6.CULTURAL: India has always been known as a land of ‘rich culture’. Our culture is veryrich in signs and symbols. The Cluny School helps the students to respect and appreciatethe richness of Indian culture which is expressed in certain values andattitudes like silence and interiority, spirit of detachment and freedom, asceticism andhard work and respect for others.

Cluny School gives the students a sense of patriotism, respecting different cultures aroundher. He/she will work for national integration and communal harmony, respecting otherswithout distinction of religion caste, creed, language and economic status.

7.VOCATIONAL AND CAREER GUIDANCE: Being convinced of the importance of making theright choice in one’s life, a Cluny student is guided to discover his/her aptitudes and goalin life which will enable his/her to face the future with courage and confidence.

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